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TALI – The Collecting Society of Film and Television Creators in Israel, represents the copyrights of the Israeli screenwriters and directors. TALI was founded in 2000 by screenwriters and directors who are the shareholders of the company. The shares are equally divided between the members; each screenwriter or director- newcomer or veteran- holds an equal share.

TALI is a limited company headed by a board of directors governed by corporate law. The board has nine directors – three screenwriters, three directors and three external directors. TALI’s appointed directors are located by a search committee. The latter recommends its candidates to the shareholders, who in turn elect their representatives in the annual member assembly. The three external directors are elected by the board of directors.

In 2014 the TALI Law was legislated following the approval of the company’s activities by the Tribunal of Restrictive Trade (now named The Competition Tribunal) under its terms of operation.

TALI deals with administering licenses for use of artistic work created by members of TALI to broadcasting entities, websites and other users of cinematic and televised works in Israel.

TALI represents the rights of its members – which include the majority of directors and screenwriters in Israel – the four relevant rights for royalties for using audiovisual works in Israel: the right to broadcast, the right to make available to the public, the right to public performance and rental right.

TALI collects the licencing fees from the entities that use TALI represented works and allocates and pays the royalties to the authors according to the the parameters detailed in the document of definitions of TALI repertoire.


TALI, a member of the international association of royalty companies CISAC, is one of the 260 companies existing worldwide.

It is important to understand that TALI operates in the broadcasting market which constantly changes and evolves at the pace of technological progress, which redesigns the media reality, changes ways of distribution and viewing of creative content and daily generates new platforms that use and monetize audiovisual creations. While technology rapidly changes, legislation and economic models cannot keep up with the pace of progress and lag behind, to the point of becoming irrelevant. This means that TALI is continuously committed to attempt to anticipate the changes and adapt the economical models TALI applies, in order to continue and protect copyrights while facing the unpredictable changes in the turbulent broadcast market.

[1] Amandment no.4, the Cinema Law 1999

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